API Reference


The @ibnlanre/builder package exports a set of types that are used to define the structure of the builder object. These types are used internally by the package and are not intended to be used directly by consumers.


The Base type represents a single key in the builder object created by the createBuilder function.


type Base<Field, Prefix extends readonly string[] = []> = {
  $get: <Arguments extends unknown[]>(
    ...args: Arguments
  ) => [...Prefix, Field, ...Arguments];
  $use: () => [...Prefix, Field];


The KeyBuilder type represents the type of nested nodes in the structure of the builder object created by the createBuilder function. The type is a recursive structure that mirrors the structure of the register object.


type KeyBuilder<
  Register extends Dictionary,
  Prefix extends readonly string[] = [],
> = {
  [Field in keyof Register]: Register[Field] extends (
    ...args: infer Arguments
  ) => unknown
    ? {
        $get: <Variables extends any[]>(
          ...args: Variables
        ) => [...Prefix, Extract<Field, string>, ...Variables];
        $use: (
          ...args: Parameters<Register[Field]>
        ) => [...Prefix, Extract<Field, string>, ...Arguments];
    : Register[Field] extends Dictionary
      ? Base<Field, Prefix> &
          KeyBuilder<Register[Field], [...Prefix, Extract<Field, string>]>
      : Base<Field, Prefix>;


The Builder type represents the builder object created by the createBuilder function.


type Builder<
  Register extends Dictionary,
  Prefix extends readonly string[] = [],
  Separator extends string = ".",
> = {
  $use: Register;
  $get: Get<Register, Prefix, Separator>;
} & KeyBuilder<Register, Prefix>;